Der neueste Hotfix für Reaper of Souls ist Live gegangen und mit bringt erhöhte Dropraten für legendäre Gegenstände auf den Qualstufen 1-6 und Kadala mit. Um die Änderungen zu aktivieren startet einfach ein neues Spiel.

Zitat von CM:

Update 3/28 @ 5:20 p.m. PT: These hotfixes have been implemented and should now be live in all regions. Please note that you may need to restart your game in order for them to go into effect.


Hey everyone,

As a quick heads up, we have two buffs to Legendary item drop rates coming down the pipeline.

- First change: We're increasing the drop rate for Legendary items (this includes Set items) in Torment 1-6.

- Second change: We're significantly increasing the chance for an item purchased from Kadala to be a Legendary.

Both of these hotfixes are somewhat proactive, but are aimed to help improve the reward curve for players as they start to reach higher Torment difficulties. We look forward to hearing your feedback as a result of these changes!

SamanthaTraynor, 29.03.2014, 10:01 Uhr